Schedule of Available Training Courses
Title of Course: #1 Government/Industry Partnering or Intra-Government Partnering
Length of Course (# of Hrs/Days): 2 to 3 days training
Total Price of Course: (excludes travel costs to be billed at actuals) $21,280 (16 participantds-2 day) $26,880 (16-3 day) $29,120 (40-2 day) $33,600 (40-3 day) Minimum Number of Participants: 16 Price Per Participant: $1,330 (16-2 day) $1,680 (16-3 day) $728 (40-2 day) $840 (40-3 day)
Commercial Price: <Same as above> Maximum Number of Participants: 40 Government Discount from the Commercial Price (See below) Description of Class: HHCG has extensive experience in creating and sustaining partnerships. Partnering is a critical factor for both proactive risk management and ultimate program success. It does not waive the rights of any party or substitute for the contractual relationship already in place. It creates highly effective working relationships across organizational boundaries, allowing more focused use of today’s limited resources to get the job done. A multi-party coalition or enterprise can be formed using the same techniques. Customized Partnering Workshops are the key in creating more effective working alliances. These two-to-three day sessions are an important part of partnership formation, whether a multi-discipline team within a company or an alliance between divisions, organizations or sectors (e.g. Government, industry, public interest, regional, multi-national). The result is an aligned team, sharing a common vision, and working together to achieve important goals. Prior to a partnering session, confidential non-attribution interviews are conducted with each team member to gain an understanding of past successes, current challenges, along with each one’s objectives and concerns. This information is used to design a customized workshop that solves existing problems and paves the way to a smoother working relationship. These sessions are not just a feel good exercise - instead, groups work on real issues. Outcomes include a clear Vision of success, a set of operating principles, detailed action plans, and a process for conflict resolution and better communication. Price includes all preparation, interviews (participants and 360-view by others), analysis, pre-session questions for attendees, follow-up agreements and support. Related out-of-pocket expenses, such as travel, phone, postage, etc., will be billed as actuals. Quantity or Other Applicable Discounts (Explain) If multiple Partnering Offsites are contracted for (e.g., every 3 or 6 months for a year), HHCG would negotiate with USG to identify areas for savings. NOTE: This Training Class cost includes the 1% INDUSTRIAL FUNDING FEE. Title of Course: #2 Team Building Training Length of Course (# of Hrs/Days): 2 to 3 days training Total Price of Course: (excludes travel costs to be billed at actuals) $21,280 (16 participants-2 day) $26,880 (16-3 day) $29,120 (40-2 day) $33,600 (40-3 day) Minimum Number of Participants: 16 Price Per Participant $1,330 (16-2 day) $1,680 (16-3 day) $728 (40-2 day) $840 (40-3 day) Commercial Price: <Same as above> Maximum Number of Participants: 40 Government Discount from the Commercial Price (See below) Description of Class: While similar to Partnering, this training focuses primarily on internal issues of a single team. Training is customized, typically involving a two-to-three day offsite. Confidential interviews precede the offsite to identify current functional status and key challenges facing the team. Our approach is to emphasize working on actual issues during the training, thus dealing with teaming issues within the context of a work setting. The whole team establishes common ground and operating principles for working together, while breakout groups work specific issues. Analysis and resolution of past & current problems provides the basis for true team building. This may be supplemented by individual coaching before or after the offsite itself. Price includes all preparation, interviews (participants and 360-view by others), analysis, pre-session questions for participants, follow-up agreements and support. Related out-of-pocket expenses, such as travel, phone, postage, etc., will be billed as actuals. Quantity or Other Applicable Discounts (Explain) If multiple Team Building Offsites are contracted for (e.g., every 3 or 6 months for a year), HHCG would negotiate with USG to identify areas for savings. NOTE: This Training Class cost includes the 1% INDUSTRIAL FUNDING FEE. Title of Course: #3 Change Management Training Length of Course (# of Hrs/Days): 2 to 3 days training Total Price of Course: (excludes travel costs to be billed at actuals) $21,280 (16 participants-2 day) $26,880 (16-3 day) $29,120 (40-2 day) $33,600 (40-3 day) Minimum Number of Participants: 16 Price Per Participant $1,330 (16-2 day) $1,680 (16-3 day) $728 (40-2 day) $840 (40-3 day) Commercial Price: <Same as above> Maximum Number of Participants: 40 Government Discount from the Commercial Price (See below) Description of Class: Our book, Leading Change, Overcoming Chaos, presents the concept of the Change Cycle, as well as specific guidelines for achieving organizational change. We have condensed this information into a two-day training session. We provide managers with a working knowledge of change dynamics to guide your organization through an entire change effort. Several important tools are introduced: The Change Formula enables managers to sort out key dynamic factors necessary to accomplish your proposed change, and to begin to formulate relevant strategies and actions. The Change Cycle provides a roadmap for both planning and implementing a change. Force Field Analysis helps assess potential effectiveness of your change strategies, in the face of its situational barriers. Critical Incident Analysis helps teams learn from past experiences and solve problems in real time. Outcomes: participants have a basic understanding of these tools, have applied them to your current situation, and have developed actions to achieve your desired change. Price includes all preparation, interviews (participants and 360-view by others), analysis, pre-session questions for attendees, follow-up agreements and support. Related out-of-pocket expenses, such as travel, phone, postage, etc., will be billed as actuals. Quantity or Other Applicable Discounts (Explain) If multiple Change Management Training Offsites are contracted for (e.g., every 3 or 6 months for a year), HHCG would negotiate with USG to identify areas for savings. NOTE: This Training Class cost includes the 1% INDUSTRIAL FUNDING FEE.. Title of Course: #4 Strategic Planning Training Length of Course (# of Hrs/Days): 2 to 3 days training Total Price of Course: (excludes travel costs to be billed at actuals) $21,280 (16 participants-2 day) $26,880 (16-3 day) $29,120 (40-2 day) $33,600 (40-3 day) Minimum Number of Participants: 16 Price Per Participant: $1,330 (16-2 day) $1,680 (16-3 day) $728 (40-2 day) $840 (40-3 day) Commercial Price: <Same as above> Maximum Number of Participants: 40 Government Discount from the Commercial Price (See below) Description of Class: A flexible two-to-three day training session provides managers with a working knowledge of strategic planning as a process, plus specific models and tools. Depending upon unique needs, managers are trained in any combination of the following tools and techniques: Open Systems Planning Model, Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Force Field Analysis, and The Change Formula. In addition, participants learn how to develop a compelling Vision, organizational definition and focus, and linkages to business plans. Tools and techniques are introduced by examples from other organizations, and then applied to the participants’ organization. Outcomes: a working knowledge of strategic planning, as well as preliminary work on your own strategic plan. Additional training and support are offered to managers as you apply your learning. Price includes all preparation, interviews (participants and 360-view by others), analysis, homework, session design, follow-up agreements and support. Related out-of-pocket expenses, such as travel, phone, postage, etc., will be billed as actuals. Quantity or Other Applicable Discounts (Explain) If multiple Strategic Planning Training Offsites are contracted for (e.g., every 3 or 6 months for a year), HHCG would negotiate with USG to identify areas for savings. NOTE: This Training Class cost includes the 1% INDUSTRIAL FUNDING FEE. Title of Course: #5 Leadership Development Training Length of Course (# of Hrs/Days): 8 two-day training sessions Total Price of Course: (excludes travel costs to be billed at actuals) $96,320 (8 participants-8x2day) $105,000(15-8x2day) Minimum Number of Participants: 8 Price Per Participant $12,040 (8-8x2day) $7,000 (15-8x2day) Commercial Price: <Same as above> Maximum Number of Participants: 15 Government Discount from the Commercial Price (See below) Description of Class: This is a series of 8 two-day workshops designed to explore the role of the leaders throughout the organization, and give people enhanced planning and management skills. The length of this series can be varied to suit specific needs. This hands-on training in fundamentals includes: * Assessing an organization’s readiness for significant improvement efforts * How to develop and utilize a Vision and Operating Principles * How to do an Industry Analysis and Sustainable Competitive Advantage * Building broader commitment and buy-in; developing achievable action plans * Change Formula analysis and the Task Cycle * Organizing and running more effective meetings * Conflict resolution techniques, listening and communications skills Price includes all preparation, interviews (participants and 360-view by others), analysis, homework design, follow-up agreements and support. Related out-of-pocket expenses, such as travel, phone, postage, etc., will be billed as actuals. Quantity or Other Applicable Discounts (Explain) If multiple Leadership Teams are contracted for (e.g., two or more teams of ten each), HHCG would negotiate with USG to identify areas for savings. NOTE: This Training Class cost includes the 1% INDUSTRIAL FUNDING FEE. Title of Course: #6 Executive Coaching Length of Course (# of Hrs/Days): 5x2hr+ Total Price of Course: (excludes travel costs to be billed at actuals) $40,320 (8-10hr+) $73,080 (15-10hr+) Minimum Number of Participants: 8 Executives Price Per Participant $5,040 (8-10hr+) $4,872 (15-10hr+) Commercial Price: <Same as above> Maximum Number of Participants: 15 Executives Government Discount from the Commercial Price (See below) Description of Class: HHCG offers individualized coaching for executives designed to address specific business and leadership challenges. These sessions are tailored to the unique demands of the situation. It offers a chance to work one-on-one and focus on those issues that stand in the way of success. The focus could be on project dynamics, personal leadership skills, change effort management, political considerations, commitment building, or others arenas that are needed to improve an individual’s effectiveness as a leader. As part of the preparation, we conduct several confidential interviews with peers, subordinates and supervisors to help identify the most significant opportunities for improvement. Executive Coaching can be done in conjunction with Expectations Exchanges (see Training Course #7) to work out the current or potential interface between two or more individuals. Price includes fees for all preparation, interviews (participants and 360 degree-view by others), analysis, homework design, follow-up agreements and support. Related out-of-pocket expenses, such as travel, phone, postage, etc., will be billed as actuals. Quantity or Other Applicable Discounts (Explain) If multiple Leadership Teams are contracted for Executive Coaching (e.g., two or more teams of ten each), HHCG would negotiate with USG to identify areas for savings. NOTE: This Training Class cost includes the 1% INDUSTRIAL FUNDING FEE. Title of Course: #7 Expectations Exchanges Length of Course (# of Hrs/Days): 4x4hr+ Sessions Total Price of Course: (excludes travel costs to be billed at actuals) $21,280 (4-4hr+) $38,080 (8-4hr+) Minimum Number of Participants: 4 Expectation Exchanges Price Per Participant (per Expectations Exchange) $5,320 (4-4hr+) $4,760 (8-4hr+) Commercial Price: <Same as above> Maximum Number of Participants: 8 Expectation Exchanges Government Discount from the Commercial Price (See below) Description of Class: The Expectations Exchange is a powerful tool designed to improve the effectiveness of the interface between two (or more) leaders and, in so doing, improve the working relationship between your respective organizations (function-to-function; division-to-division; work unit-to-work unit; etc.). These sessions are tailored to the unique demands and issues that exist at that interface. Using a modified total quality approach to clarify internal customer/supplier information flow and the mutual determination of what each party needs from the other in order to be successful. The result is a formal ’agreement’ between the parties that is periodically audited and modified as the situation evolves. Expectations Exchanges can be done in conjunction with Executive Coaching (see Training Course #6) to work on improving the effectiveness of specific individuals. Price includes all preparation, interviews (participants and 360-view by others), analysis, homework design, follow-up agreements and support. Quantity or Other Applicable Discounts (Explain) If multiple Leadership Teams are contracted for Expectations Exchanges (e.g., two or more teams of ten each), HHCG would negotiate with USG to identify areas for savings. NOTE: This Training Class cost includes the 1% INDUSTRIAL FUNDING FEE.