Heifetz Halle Consulting Group



Complimentary Consulting Period

Heifetz, Halle Consulting Group offers each potential client a complimentary consulting period (pre-contract) in which we can get to know each other. During phone calls and on-site visits we would discuss your situation in detail. Working with you in this preliminary period, HHCG offers advice on the current situation and perspective on how to go forward. During this time we both can assess the potential for an effective working relationship. Potential clients have a chance to try out our suggestions, and assess their effectiveness. We come to better understand your situation so we can offer a customized solution that will really work.

What Makes Us Different

HHCG’s Solutions Are Uniquely Tailored to Your Needs

Each client’s needs are unique. In addition to traditional management consulting, you can choose from a wide range of integrated products and services which will be customized to address your company’s requirements. If the existing tools will not solve your problem, HHCG will create individualized solutions. We firmly believe in technology transfer. Any and all of the tools, skills and techniques we use will be openly shared.

Tested and Proven Techniques

Proprietary tools and whole new technologies have been developed and thoroughly field tested to support our clients. We have also selected the best available models, processes, and training from decades of work in systems theory, organizational development, and change management. The entire technology has been integrated using systems theory principles and frameworks. When working with a client, HHCG selects the most appropriate methods from this mix.

Assistance Throughout the Transformation Process

Our services are designed to meet a need that often goes unfulfilled. Once the assessment and planning phases are complete, many consultants stop their efforts. HHCG works with our clients throughout the entire transformation process. In our experience, the implementation phase is the heart of any lasting change effort.

Integrated System

We have developed a unique integrated system of organizational concepts, models, processes, interventions, consulting and training.

  • Comprehensive Change Management Technology
  • Pre-Contract Assessment Period (complimentary consulting as described above)
  • Systems Theory orientation
  • Balanced consideration of business factors and human factors during both diagnostic and problem solving phases
  • Bias toward technology transfer
  • Work with our clients throughout the entire transformation process
  • All consulting and training is performed by HHCG principals

Proven Results

Clients large and small have benefited from HHCG’s integrated Change Management Technology. Results of these successful change efforts include:

  • More capable, better-equipped leaders
  • Strategically healthy organizations
  • Proactive responses to industry shifts
  • Less job loss by creating counter-cyclical businesses
  • Antidotes for post-merger "corporate indigestion"
  • More effective structures, systems, and functions
  • Enhanced problem solving capability
  • More effective decision making processes
  • Enhanced productivity, TQM and re-engineering efforts
  • More innovative, creative work units

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