Heifetz Halle Consulting Group


Our Book

Leading Change, Overcoming Chaos

American corporations large and small are changing the way they do business, and it’s easy to get left behind. That is, unless you read this book — and apply the seven basic steps in it to your organization. Author Michael Heifetz draws more than thirty-four years of experience helping companies ranging in size from startups to Fortune 100 firms deal with the changing business climates, and turn chaos into cutting-edge advantage. Every forward-thinking manager should have a copy of this book in easy reach. Here’s why:

  • Powerful management tools and insights show how to make change — however dramatic — work for, not against, you.
  • Realistic case studies illustrate key points and help you apply the lessons to your business problems and challenges.
  • Detailed planing guides eliminate guesswork, point out common errors.
  • Hands-on techniques that anyone can use to become a creative problem-solver.
  • How to overcome the opposition, deal with petty in-fighting, and come out on top in tough times.
  • And much, much more.

Table of Contents

  • Roadmap to This Book
  • Section I: Change Cycle Management: Practical Understanding and Implementation
  • Section II: Approaches to Managing Change
    • Chapter 4: Special Issues in Managing Change Cycles
    • Chapter 5: Imposed Change
    • Chapter 6: Political Barriers to Change
    • Chapter 7: Developing Support for a Change Effort
    • Chapter 8: Intuition and Creativity in the Change Process
  • Appendix: Theory Behind the Change Cycle
    • Part A: Change Cycle Theory
    • Part B: Structure, Dynamics, and Context of the Change Cycle
  • Index
  • Charts:
    • Chart 1. Change Cycle Summary
    • Chart 2. Patterns Within the Change Cycle
    • Chart 3. Rob’s Plan for the Computerized Project Management System
    • Chart 4. Stages of the Change Cycle and the Eight Energies
    • Chart 5. Chaos in Relationship to the Other Seven Energies During the Change Cycle
    • Chart 6. Dynamics of the Creative Process

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