Heifetz, Halle Consulting Group (HHCG) provides critical services to both Government and Industry who are considering Privatization  Partnering, Customer Satisfaction Baselining, and Planning Support. In our experience, Privatization represents a major upheaval for all parties, significant cultural incompatibilities, and the need to build and sustain an atmosphere of trust.
Public-Private Partnership Support
We strongly believe that Partnering is a critical factor for both proactive risk management and ultimate Privatization success. It creates highly effective working relationships across organizational boundaries, allowing more focused use of today's limited resources to get the job done. Any initiative that seeks to improve management, organizational or business practices with multiple organizations can benefit from Partnering.
HHCG has extensive experience in creating and sustaining partnerships. Services include strategy sessions, planning workshops, leadership training, executive coaching, interface clarification and management, resolution of group and personal conflicts, and real time problem solving throughout the implementation of the partnership. For example, customized workshops are used to create a more effective working alliance. The result is an aligned team, sharing a common vision, and working together to achieve important goals.
Prior to a Partnering session, confidential non-attribution interviews are conducted with each team member to gain an understanding of past successes, current challenges, along with individual objectives and concerns. This information is used to design a customized workshop that solves existing problems and paves the way to a smoother working relationship. These sessions are not just a feel good exercise. During the workshop, groups work on real issues. Outcomes: a clear Vision of success, a set of operating principles, detailed action plans, and an agreed upon process for conflict resolution and communication.
Customer Satisfaction Baselining
Qualitative research can provide detailed, customized information in support of Privatization objectives. Understanding where things stand with your customers prior to Privatization provides an essential baseline and roadmap toward success. We have extensive experience applying these techniques in a wide variety of organizational settings - where improvements in management, organization and business are imperative.
Our technique of in-depth interviewing allows a better understanding of respondent's attitudes and opinions. This type of questioning often uncovers issues only hinted at or missed by quantitative or mail-in surveys. One of the great benefits of qualitative research is flexibility. We will pursue unanticipated, yet relevant subjects, beyond the discussion guide, if the need and opportunity arises. All of this will be done with the approval of the project managers.
HHCG helps managers define the types of information required to meet the needs of your project/goals. We work closely with our clients to understand your specific information needs and design questionnaires and interview guides to collect this information. These are tested and refined to ensure that key areas are covered in-depth.
Several techniques are available to meet the needs of any project: confidential, non-attribution personal interviews, small group interviews (2-4 people) and focus group discussions (8-10 people). Depending on the needs of the project and budget, the interviews can be conducted in person or by phone. Focus groups are always done in person.
Qualitative data is carefully analyzed to help uncover inherent strengths and weaknesses, lessons learned, challenges ahead, as well as other patterns. From this data, a specific path forward, recommendations, and strategies can be developed ranging from planning a Partnering or Team Building Process, to developing a change management plan for Privatization.
Results will be described and summarized, including methodology and sample characteristics. Reports will include a discussion of recommendations, often a strategic approach, and key follow-up actions, including, if appropriate, a trade- off analysis of various approaches. In person presentation of findings is usually done to enhance understanding and planning for a path forward.
Strategic, Tactical and Operational Level Planning Support
HHCG offers strategy and tactical planning sessions, as well as customized workshops to create better plans at whatever level of organizational functioning is needed. Planning sessions can be as short as a few hours or can last several days, depending upon the situation. We utilize a customized mix of the best diagnostic and planning models, tools and techniques we have found or developed over the past 28 years. Some are widely known - such as the Open Systems Planning Model, the Porter Model for Competitive Strategy Development, the Change Formula, and Force Field Analysis. Some of the most useful tools are at the leading edge of organizational understanding - such as the Balanced System Model, the Change Cycleã, and Paradigm Shift Workshops.
These models allow management to better understand the overall health, functioning, and success requirements of your organizations, and within the framework of this understanding, develop appropriate plans to make your Privatization initiative succeed.